A benign vascular tumour occurring in males under the age of 25 years.
Clinical features:
Nasal obstruction, epistaxis and deafness due to middle ear effusion are common characteristics.
Treatment is by surgical excision, facilitated by preoperative CT scanning, arteriography and embolization.
Malignant tumours (惡性腫瘤)
Common in south east Asia, where they account for 20% of all malignant tumours.
Clinical features:
Present as nasal obstruction, epistaxis and deafness. Metastasis to cervical nodes may occur prior to local symptoms becoming apparent. Cranial nerve palsies occur in advanced cases.
Most are squamous carcinomas, although anaplastic carcinomas and lymphomas also occur.
Radiotherapy following biopsy confirmation, with surgery used only for cervical nodes not responding to irradiation.
Chordoma (脊索瘤)
A very rare locally invasive neoplasm arising from remnants of the fetal notochord found in the skull base. Presents with neurological, nasal and ophthalmic symptoms.