
Suppurative Otitis media (化膿性中耳炎) - Acute mastoiditis (急性乳突炎)

Acute mastoiditis (急性乳突炎)

Acute mastoiditis may complicate acute otitis media. Infection of the mastoid air cell system occurs.

Clinical features:
Presents as worsening of otalgia with tenderness over the mastoid antrum. The external meatus may be narrowed by oedema of the posterior-superior wall. In advanced cases a subperiosteal abscess may push the ear forward. Diagnosis is confirmed by opacity of the mastoid cells on CT scan.

Initially high-dose parenteral antibiotic therapy is required, although in cases that fail to respond to antibiotics, or in which a subperiosteal abscess has formed, surgical drainage via a cortical mastoidectomy is required.

